Sales partner

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Komali Tortillas Mexican Online Shop

Envíos a todas las mesas de Europa.

Order Mexican food and products online

In the sky everything is possible.

Tacos, empanadas and more...

Muy delicious!

The story of El Snackie begins in my childhood in Mexico, where every day after school I bought a bag of my favorite snack “Chicharrones”.
Even back then, I always imagined that one day I would create a project with my favorite snack.
Many years later, when I missed my favorite snack from home during the pandemic in Germany, I decided to work on a business idea related to my favorite snack. I asked myself:

1. How can I bring a touch of Mexico into the German snack culture and still be something
Create something new?
The answer: a snack that is crunchy, natural and light in taste and can be combined with various side dishes such as dips, salsas and even other snacks

2.- Is there such a thing as the perfect snack?
My answer is simple, short and sweet: el Snackie.

I want it!